📄️ listBudgets
Returns a list of all budgets.
📄️ createBudget
Create a Budget
📄️ getBudgetTarget
Returns a single budget target.
📄️ updateBudgetTarget
[Update](https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-updating) a Budget
📄️ deleteBudgetTarget
[Delete](https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-deleting) a Budget
📄️ listBudgetTargets
Returns a list of all the descendant budget targets.
📄️ getBudgetTrend
Returns the trend of the budget over time between start and end dates.
📄️ listBudgetKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the given budget.
📄️ getBudgetKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the given budget.
📄️ listBudgetsKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the budgets.
📄️ getBudgetsKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the budgets.