Entity Attribute
Provides APIs to manage attributes in a generic way.
An EntityAttribute
is a generic description of an attribute of a generic entity.
It may refer to a real column in the database or a "virtual" one and has a DataType.
When describing a virtual attribute, it is also called a "dynamic" attribute, since it is only known at runtime, not a compile time.
A Sheet
is a group of EntityAttributes.
Referring to products, customers, document types, etc. it groups a set of additional attributes of an entity and provides an order.
It is used for viewing and editing purposes.
When an EntityAttribute
is used in a Sheet
, it is called a SheetEntityAttribute
and has additional properties that describes it (like editable, mandatory, etc.),
which are useful to show and modify the value in a user interface.
📄️ getSheet
Get a Sheet
📄️ updateSheet
Updates the sheet specified in the path. This operation assumes that `sheetId` is the id of a cloned sheet.
📄️ deleteSheet
Deletes the sheet specified in the path. This operation will succeed only if the sheet is deletable. When
📄️ editSheet
Starts and editing session for the sheet specified in the path. This operation assumes that `sheetId` refers to
📄️ publishSheet
Publishes the sheet specified in the path. This operation assumes that `sheetId` refers to a cloned sheet.
📄️ listSheets
Returns a collection of Sheet
📄️ createSheet
Creates a new sheet.
📄️ listSheetAttributes
Returns the attributes defined for the sheet with the given id. The caller must belong to at least one of the
📄️ addEntityAttributesToSheet
Adds a set of entity attributes to the sheet specified in the path.
📄️ listSheetSurveyDocSections
Returns the survey sections linked to the sheet with the given id. The caller must belong to at least one of the
📄️ updateEntityAttributeForSheet
Updates the relationship between the sheet and the attribute specified in the path.
📄️ deleteEntityAttributeFromSheet
Removes the attribute from the sheet.
📄️ listSheetsWithAttributesValues
Gets the list of the sheets for the given entity and the attributes for every sheet,
📄️ getSheetWithAttributesValues
For the entity with the given object id, gets the sheet with its attributes,
📄️ getSheetEntityAttributeValue
Gets an SheetEntityAttributeValue. It must be one of the attributes of the entity with the given entityName.
📄️ setSheetEntityAttributeValue
Sets an `EntityAttribute` value, given che ids of the entity object, the `EntityAttribute` and the `Sheet` containing it.
📄️ deleteEntityAttributeValue
[Delete](https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-deleting) a EntityAttributeValue.
📄️ listAttributesForEntity
Returns the dynamic attributes defined for `entityName`. The attributes are filtered by the roles of the
📄️ createEntityAttribute
Creates a new entity attribute for the entity specified in the path. Attributes created with this endpoint will
📄️ listEntityAttributesOptions
Returns a list of entity attribute options based on the user who made the request.
📄️ listEntityAttributesDefinitions
Returns the all the entity attributes defined for `entityName`. With respect to `listAttributesForEntity`
📄️ listSheetsWithAttributesDefinitions
Gets the list of the sheets for the given entity and the attributes for every sheet,
📄️ getSheetWithAttributesDefinitions
For the entity with the given entityName, gets the sheet with its attributes,