📄️ getItem
Returns a single item.
📄️ updateItem
Updates an `Item` resource.
📄️ deleteItem
Deletes the item with the given `id`.
📄️ editItem
Edit an Item.
📄️ publishItem
Publish an Item.
📄️ cloneItem
Clone an Item. Creates a brand new item same as the cloned one.
📄️ canDraftItemOwnershipChange
Invoke this service to find out if you can change the draft owner.
📄️ changeDraftItemOwnership
The draft of an item relates to two user profiles:
📄️ getFullItem
Item's full version.
📄️ listItems
Returns a list of all items.
📄️ createItem
Creates an `Item` resource. If the user is linked to one or more suppliers,
📄️ exportItems
Request an export of a list of items.
📄️ listItemsAvailability
Returns a list of items availability.
📄️ exportItemsAvailability
Request an export of a list of items availability stock.
📄️ updateItemAvailability
Updates the availabilities for the given item.
📄️ listItemsKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the items.
📄️ getItemsKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the items.
📄️ listItemKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the given item.
📄️ getItemUnitOfMeasurement
Returns the requested unit of measurement of the given item.
📄️ updateItemUnitOfMeasurement
Updates an `ItemUnitOfMeasurement` resource.
📄️ deleteItemUnitOfMeasurement
Deletes the unit of measurement `id` linked to the item `itemId`.
📄️ listItemUnitsOfMeasurement
Returns all units of measurement of the given item
📄️ createItemUnitOfMeasurement
Creates a new relation between an item and an unit of measurement.
📄️ linkTagToItem
Links the tag identified by `tagId` to the item identified by `itemId`.
📄️ unlinkTagFromItem
Unlinks the tag `tagId` from the item `itemId`.
📄️ replaceItemTags
Replace the tags associated to the given item id.
📄️ listItemBarcodes
Returns the list of the item's barcodes.
📄️ createItemBarcode
Adds the item's barcode.
📄️ updateItemBarcode
Updates an `ItemBarcode` resource.
📄️ deleteItemBarcode
Deletes the itemBarcode.
📄️ listItemSheets
Returns a collection of FormSheets, which depend on the `itemCategoryId`.
📄️ manageItemTags
Tag a set of up to 1000 items.
📄️ listItemStatuses
Returns a list of `ItemStatus` objects.