Price Condition
Price Condition
📄️ listPriceSearchGroups
Returns a list of PriceSearchGroups.
📄️ listPriceSearches
Returns a list of PriceSearch.
📄️ listPriceConditions
Returns a list of PriceCondition.
📄️ createPriceCondition
Create a new PriceCondition.
📄️ getPriceCondition
Returns a single PriceCondition.
📄️ updatePriceCondition
[Update]( a PriceCondition.
📄️ deletePriceCondition
[Delete]( a PriceCondition.
📄️ exportPriceConditions
Request an export of a list of price conditions.
📄️ listPriceConditionDescriptions
Returns a list of price condition descriptions of a price search.
📄️ importPriceConditions
Request an import of a list of price conditions. The import file must be in Excel format.
📄️ deletePriceConditionDescription
[Delete]( a Price condition description.
📄️ listPriceSearchAttributeValues
Returns the values that can be used for the given attribute in a price search.