Purchase Document
Purchase Document.
📄️ listPurchaseDocHeaders
Returns a list of purchase document headers.
📄️ createPurchaseDocHeader
Creates a purchase document header.
📄️ exportPurchaseDocHeaders
Request an export of a list of purchase documents headers.
📄️ listPurchaseDocLine
Returns a list of purchase document lines.
📄️ createPurchaseDocLines
Creates a purchase document line.
📄️ getPurchaseDocLine
Return a single line of a purchase document.
📄️ updatePurchaseDocLine
Updates a single line of a purchase document.
📄️ deletePurchaseDocLine
[Delete](https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-deleting) a Purchase Doc Line.
📄️ listLineStringTemplates
Returns the list of string templates defined for the purchase doc line specified in the path.
📄️ listLoadingUnitsForLine
Returns the loading units associated to the line specified in the path.
📄️ deleteLoadingUnitsForLine
Deletes the loading units specified in the request body for the line in the path.
📄️ getPurchaseDocHeader
Returns a single purchase document header.
📄️ updatePurchaseDocHeader
Updates a single purchase document header.
📄️ deletePurchaseDocHeader
[Delete](https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-deleting) a Purchase document header.
📄️ editPurchaseDocHeader
Edit a purchase document header.
📄️ publishPurchaseDocHeader
Publish a purchase document header.
📄️ releasePurchaseDoc
Releases a purchase document. In particular, it changes its status to `Released` and
📄️ getPurchaseDocLinkedDocs
Returns a list of all the documents linked to the given one.
📄️ listPurchaseDocTransferStatuses
Return the list of possible valid transfer statuses from the current transfer status of the purchase document.
📄️ updatePurchaseDocTransferStatus
Updates the transfer status of a purchase document.
📄️ canDraftPurchaseOrderOwnership
Invoke this service to find out if you can change the draft owner.
📄️ changeDraftPurchaseOrderOwnership
The draft of a purchase order relates to two user profiles:
📄️ createLoadingUnits
Creates loading units for a specific purchase document's line. The number of loading units to generate is
📄️ listPurchaseDocLines
Return a list of purchase documents lines with their header info included. Lines can relate to different purchase