A Customer has a representation independent from the organization, called 'Customer' and one which depends on the organization, which is called 'CustomerAccount' and can be thought as an extension of the Customer. Some attributes are defined only for the Customer resource, which can exist by its own, while a CustomerAccount always refers to a Customer and includes its attributes and its relationships.
A customer has a 'customer type', like 'sell to', 'bill to', 'deliver to' and may have a hierarchical structure (see relationship parentCustomer). For example two 'sell to' customers can have the same 'bill to' parent, which models the use case when the invoice for the goods ordered by the 'sell to' customer is payed by the 'bill to' parent customer.
📄️ getCustomer
Get a Customer
📄️ deleteCustomer
[delete]( a Customer
📄️ listCustomers
Returns a collection of Customers.
📄️ createCustomer
Create a Customer
📄️ updateCustomerStatus
Updates the status of a customer.
📄️ getCustomerAccount
Get a CustomerAccount
📄️ updateCustomerAccount
[Update]( a CustomerAccount.
📄️ deleteCustomerAccount
[Delete]( a CustomerAccount
📄️ listCustomerAccounts
Returns a collection of CustomerAccounts.
📄️ createCustomerAccount
Create a CustomerAccount
📄️ exportCustomerAccounts
Request an export of a list of customer accounts.
📄️ listCustomerAccountKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for this CustomerAccount
📄️ getCustomerAccountKPI
Get a single KPI defined for this CustomerAccount
📄️ listCustomerAccountClusters
Get all Clusters defined for this CustomerAccount
📄️ listCustomerAccountSheets
Returns a collection of FormSheets, which depend on the customerTypeId
📄️ editCustomerAccount
Edit a Customer Account.
📄️ publishCustomerAccount
Publish a Customer Account
📄️ manageCustomerAccountTags
Tag a set of up to 1000 customer accounts.
📄️ createTaskForCustomerAccounts
Create a task for each customer that satisfies the provided filters and associate the task to them.
📄️ linkTagToCustomerAccount
Links the tag identified by `tagId` to the customer account identified by `customerAccountId`.
📄️ unlinkTagFromCustomerAccount
Unlinks the tag `tagId` from the customer account `customerAccountId`.
📄️ replaceCustomerAccountTags
Replace the tags associated to the given customer account id.
📄️ uploadExcelForBulkUpdate
Uploads an Excel file used for customers bulk update.
📄️ bulkUpdate
Updates a set of customer accounts based on the Excel file identified by digitalContentId