The Device object represents an electronic device where one or more apps can typically be installed and where each of these can be run by a user.
The Device object has the attributes defined in the Device table to which a read-only property is added that indicates the number of Apps installed on the device.
It has no intrinsic relationships: the links with the Apps installed on the device and the users who use the Apps of the device can be obtained by calling respectively the listDeviceApps services belonging to this API listUserProfileDevices of the UserProfile API.
The object does not support draft mode, the creation or modification operations are therefore applied directly to the public object.
📄️ getDevice
Returns a single device.
📄️ updateDevice
[Update]( a Device
📄️ deleteDevice
[Delete]( a Device
📄️ listDeviceApps
Returns a list of all apps installed on the given device.
📄️ createDeviceApp
Creates a relationship between a device, an app and the user that made the request.
📄️ listInstallableApps
Returns the list of all apps that can be installed on the given device and are not yet.
📄️ getDeviceApp
Get a DeviceApp relation.
📄️ updateDeviceApp
[Update]( a DeviceApp relation.
📄️ deleteDeviceApp
[delete]( a DeviceApp relation
📄️ listDevices
Returns a list of all devices.
📄️ createDevice
Create a Device
📄️ upsertDeviceAndLinks
Upsert a Device and the relationships between the device and an app.