User Profile
User of the onSales Next system, i.e. a person or machine authorized to perform operations on the solution's Apps.
Application users are defined at the instance level and therefore do not refer to a specific tenant.
The UserProfile object defines the personal data of the user, but does not contain its authentication data. The latter are defined in the systems delegated to authentication and are therefore stored externally.
The authentication request for the user profile is then handled from time to time by the authentication system which checks the credentials in its authentication system and returns the check to onSales Next if the credentials provided are correct.
📄️ listUserProfilePermissions
Returns a list of permissions related to this user profile.
📄️ getUserProfile
Get a UserProfile.
📄️ updateUserProfile
[Update]( a UserProfile.
📄️ deleteUserProfile
[Delete]( a UserProfile.
📄️ listUserProfileDevices
Returns a list of all devices assigned to the given user profile.
📄️ listBelongingHierarchies
Returns a list of all hierarchies to which a user belongs.
📄️ getLinkedProfiles
Returns a list of all the linked profiles to this user profile. A linked profile can be one of:
📄️ updateLinkedProfiles
Updates the profiles linked to the user identified by `id`. Incoming linked profiles will entirely replace the
📄️ whoAmI
Get currently logged UserProfile.
📄️ listUserProfiles
Returns a collection of UserProfiles. Supports *include* parameter for relationship 'roles'
📄️ createUserProfile
Create a UserProfile.
📄️ listUserProfileWidgets
Returns all widgets of the given user's dashboard.
📄️ addUserProfileWidget
Links a widget to a user profile. The widget is always queued to the other already linked to the user.
📄️ updateUserProfileWidget
[Update]( a Widget in the user profile's dashboard
📄️ removeUserProfileWidget
[Remove]( a widget from user profile's dashboard
📄️ listUserProfileKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the given user profile.
📄️ getUserProfileKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the given user profile.