Work Session
Work Sessions
📄️ getWorkSessionDocuments
Return all the documents included into the given work session.
📄️ getWorkSessionCustomers
Return all the customers included into the given work session.
📄️ getWorkSessionSuppliers
Return all the suppliers included into the given work session.
📄️ getWorkSession
Return a single work session.
📄️ updateWorkSession
Update a work session.
📄️ listWorkSessions
Return a list of work sessions.
📄️ exportWorkSessions
Request an export of the list of work sessions.
📄️ listWorkSessionsKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the work sessions.
📄️ getWorkSessionsKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the work sessions.
📄️ listWorkSessionKPIs
Get all KPIs defined for the given work session.
📄️ getWorkSessionKPI
Get a single KPI defined for the given work session.