Discount List
The discount lists allow you to define the commercial discount conditions, to be applied to a set of products for a group of customers. The rules for applying a discount list depend mainly on the customers to whom the price list is assigned and on the period of validity.
📄️ getDiscountList
Get a DiscountList
📄️ updateDiscountList
[Update]( a Discount List
📄️ deleteDiscountList
[Delete]( a DiscountList and all its details or Customer Discount List
📄️ listDiscountList
Returns a collection of Discount Lists
📄️ createDiscountList
Create a Discount List
📄️ listCustomerDiscountLists
Get customer accounts related to the discount list.
📄️ createCustomerDiscountList
Create a new relation between a DiscountList and a customer account or a node in a customer hierarchy
📄️ getCustomerDiscountList
Get the single relation between a discount list and a customer account or a node in a customer hierarchy
📄️ updateCustomerDiscountList
[Update]( a CustomerDiscountList.
📄️ deleteCustomerDiscountList
[delete]( a CustomerDiscountList
📄️ listEligibleCustomerAccountsForDiscountList
Returns a collection of CustomerAccounts that are eligible to be linked to the given DiscountList or are already linked.
📄️ getDiscountListDetail
Get single detail related to the discount list.
📄️ updateDiscountListDetail
[Update]( a DiscountListDetail.
📄️ deleteDiscountListDetail
[delete]( a DiscountListDetail
📄️ listDiscountListDetails
Get all details related to the discount list.
📄️ createDiscountListDetails
Create new discount list detail
📄️ editDiscountList
Edit a Discount List
📄️ publishDiscountList
Publish a Discount List