Survey Document
Survey documents are used to collect information through the completion of questionnaires. These questionnaires can contain a series of questions, ranging from customer qualification to specific surveys, such as the arrangement of items in a supermarket. A Survey document may consist of multiple parts, called "sections," each of which is used to gather various types of data. For example, in a supermarket survey, there might be sections for store information, for counter items, and for items displayed on shelves, each with their own specific questions. To specify how the Survey document should be structured, a "template" is used, consisting of a header and several section templates, of which at least one must be defined.
📄️ listSurveyDocHeaders
Return a list of Survey documents headers
📄️ getSurveyDocHeader
Return a single Survey document header.
📄️ listSurveyDocTransferStatuses
Return the list of possible valid transfer statuses from the current transfer status of the survey document.
📄️ updateSurveyDocTransferStatus
Updates the transfer status of a survey document.
📄️ getSurveyDocLinkedDocs
Returns a list of all the documents linked to the given one.
📄️ getSurveyDocAttachment
Return the detail of the attachment identified by `attachmentId` and linked to `lineId`. The attachment
📄️ downloadSurveyDocAttachment
Downloads the attachment identified by `attachmentId` and linked to `lineId`. The attachment
📄️ listSurveyDocAttachments
Returns a list of attachments related to surveys. Attachments can be of different types, e.g.
📄️ exportSurveyDocAttachmentsInfo
Requests the Excel export of survey attachments. Attachments in the export can references different surveys and
📄️ exportSurveyDocAttachments
Requests the export of the attachments related to survey doc lines. Attachments will be exported as a ZIP file
📄️ listSurveyDocEmailRecipients
Returns a list of document email recipients.