A delimited area in the space. Zones can be hierarchically organized.
📄️ listZones
Returns a list of `Zone` resources.
📄️ createZone
Creates a `Zone` resource.
📄️ listZoneHierarchies
Returns the zones in the organization provided as parameter. For each zone is specified at which level of the
📄️ getZone
Returns the `Zone` with the provided id.
📄️ updateZone
Updates the `Zone` with the provided id.
📄️ deleteZone
Deletes the `Zone` with the provided id.
📄️ listSubZones
Returns the zones that are children of the one with the provided id.
📄️ doHeadCountInZone
Triggers the head count procedure for the zone specified in the path to count again people in it. Calling
📄️ getZoneHierarchy
Returns the hierarchy to which the zone in the path belongs to.
📄️ listZonesKPIs
Calculates a set of KPIs about zones. The defined KPIs are:
📄️ startEmergencyForZone
Starts an emergency for the zone specified in the path and all its children zones.
📄️ listEmergencies
Returns a list of the zone emergencies that match the provided filters, if specified.
📄️ stopEmergency
Stops the emergency specified in the path. The emergency will be stopped for every zone linked to it.